/********************** STEP 3 **********************/ cout<<"Step 3: The actual survival probability is defined as the product of the reactor antineutrino energy spectrum (the reactor function) and the survival probability function."<SetParameter(0,dNear); TF1 *near=new TF1("near","reactor*oscil",0.,10.); near->SetLineColor(kRed); near->SetTitle("Spectrum; E [MeV]; expected flux"); near->SetMinimum(0.); near->SetMaximum(0.25); oscil->SetParameter(0,dFar); TF1 *far=new TF1("far","reactor*oscil",0.,10.); far->SetLineColor(kBlue); //Draw the functions reactor->SetLineColor(kBlack); reactor->SetLineStyle(4); near->SetNpx(300); far->SetNpx(300); TCanvas *functions=new TCanvas(); near->Draw(); far->Draw("same"); reactor->Draw("same"); return; //comment '//' the 3 lines above to proceed with the exercise cout<<"We can now calculate the numbers of events in each spectrum (using the function Integral)"<Integral(x,8.2); double farVisibleFraction = far->Integral(x,8.2); cout<<"Fraction of ND events "<