4:00 PM
Higgs Reloaded
João Paulo Silva
4:12 PM
Neutrinos, Higgs and Flavour
Joao Penedo
(CFTP/IST, Lisbon)
4:24 PM
Multi-Higgs or Flavour with symmetries
Ivo Varzielas
4:36 PM
Theoretical Prospects for New Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Gustavo Castelo Branco
4:48 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model in the Higgs and Flavour Sector
Gui Rebelo
(CFTP/IST, U. Lisboa)
5:00 PM
Phenomenology at LIP
João Pires
(LIP, Lisbon)
5:12 PM
Probing the Standard Model at the LHC: The Higgs boson and beyond
Michele Gallinaro
5:24 PM
Research Opportunities in ATLAS
Patricia CONDE MUíñO
5:36 PM
Flavor and Anomalies at the LHC
Nuno Leonardo
5:48 PM
Research opportunities in COMPASS and AMBER experiments at CERN
Marcin Stolarski
6:00 PM
Research Opportunities in the LUX-ZEPLIN Dark Matter Experiment
Claudio Frederico Pascoal da Silva
(LIP Coimbra)
6:12 PM
Research Opportunities at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Pedro Assis
6:24 PM
Research Opportunities in the AMS experiment
Miguel Orcinha
6:36 PM
From particle physics to space applications
Patrícia Gonçalves
(LIP and Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon University)
6:48 PM
Research Opportunities in the SNO+ and DUNE experiment
Jose Maneira