Present: Antonio Delgado (CIEMAT-LCG2), Carles Acosta (pic/ifae), Joao Pina (NCG/LIP), Marcos Seco (USC-LCG2), Ruben (CESGA)

Antonio Delgado (CIEMAT-LCG2)

* Network interventions on campus, but no major disruption of the services. 

* WLCG network challenge lead to saturation of the network. 

* Planned upgrade of Dcache and HTCondor.

Carles (PIC / IFAE)

* Upgrade of Xrootd redirector to 5.x version. 

* Dcache upgrade (6.2.32) and HTcondor (9.0.7) without major issues. 

Joao Pina (INCD/LIP)

* webdav / gridftp still unstable and intervention of the network interface card and kernel was applied to the machine: increased number of default tpc / IP connections on linux, 

Marcos Seco (USC-LCG2)

* Problems with router configuration lead to some issues.