Café com Física

Collective modes of Fermi gases in realistic 3D and 2D traps

by Silvia Chiacchiera (CFC)

Sala de Conferências no 3º andar (LIP Coimbra / Departamento de Física)

Sala de Conferências no 3º andar

LIP Coimbra / Departamento de Física

Usually theoretical calculations for the collective modes of
trapped cold gases are performed in harmonic traps. However,
experimental trap potentials have typically a Gaussian shape
and anharmonicity effects appear as the temperature and,
in the case of Fermions, the filling of the trap are increased.
These effects are not only quantitative, but also qualitative.

In this seminar I will present two studies performed in the
framework of the Boltzmann equation including in-medium
effects and solved approximately via the phase-space
moments method extended beyond lowest order: the
sloshing mode in a 3D trap and the quadrupole mode
in a 2D trap, for both of which experimental data are