5–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Study of the nucleon structure with the PANDA experiment at FAIR

8 Sept 2021, 16:16


Talk QCD, spin physics and chiral dynamics QCD, spin physics and chiral dynamics


Dr Alaa Dbeyssi (Helmholtz Institute Mainz)


The PANDA experiment is a core project of the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI in Darmstadt. It will measure annihilation reactions induced by a high intensity antiproton beam of momentum in the range between 1.5 GeV/c and 15 GeV/c. An important part of the PANDA physics program will be dedicated to the investigation of the nucleon structure using electromagnetic processes. Measurements of the proton electromagnetic form factors in the time-like region, nucleon-to-meson transition distribution amplitudes, generalised distribution amplitudes, and transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions, are foreseen at PANDA. In the framework of the PANDARoot software, which encompasses PANDA detector simulation and event reconstruction, feasibility studies for the measurement of various electromagnetic processes have been performed. It has been shown that unique studies of the nucleon structure can be experimentally performed at PANDA. In this talk, the physics program of PANDA related to the nucleon structure aspect will be presented with the results of the Monte Carlo feasibility studies.

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